
Wireless Network Monitoring

Get the most out of your Wi-Fi

What is Wireless Network Monitoring?

Wireless Network Monitoring (WNM) is a set of tools that allows you to actively monitor a wide variety of devices ranging from access points (APs), wireless routers, tablets, laptops and phones. WNM checks if the devices have the constant reliable internet connection that a company needs.

Benefits of Wireless Network Monitoring

Ensure Business Continuity & Increase Productivity

An effective WNM ensures that there are no road bumps to the fast lanes of internet. Improve overall productivity, save time and money, and reduce the need for tech support calls with 7Signal’s Wireless Network Monitoring.

Avoid Network Downtime

Wireless and wearable devices allow us to access the WiFi seamlessly in and out of our stations. With 7Signal’s Wireless Network Monitoring network managers can monitor all types of devices and asses how to solve the issues.

Solve WLAN problems before they reach users

Deal with the problems before ever letting the end users know about it by implementing 7Signal’s Wireless Network Monitoring to detect and eliminate complaints and issues with ease.

Easy access through cloud hosting

With WiFi being available anywhere, 7Signal’s Wireless Network Monitoring keeps up its game by having its own cloud hosting for instant access. Avoid ill-timed maintenance like software upgrades and backup processes since they are implemented automatically with no disruptions.

Total visibility into WiFi performance

Not only is 7Signal’s Wireless Network Monitoring available almost anywhere, any permitted browser within the network has the visibility into Wi-Fi performance within entire office. Transparent and visible to show its true impact in the environment.

Contact Us

We are located at:

Unit 408 4th Floor ITC Bldg. 337
Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue. Barangay
Bel Air Makati City, Philippines  1209

Our business hours are 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., Monday to Friday
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For inquiries you may send us a message at: